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What you need to succeed in the HORSE BUSINESS

ON-DEMAND Video Training
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You really can make more money,
have more time, & love your life.


Karen & Horse 2

Business Help For Horse Professionals At Any Stage.

Do you have lots of business but life is out of balance?

Do you need more clients but hate marketing?

Are you just starting out and don't want to learn things the hard way?

 This Is For You. 

Your Transform Your Business Success Kit:


On-Demand Videos that cover:

✅ Creating Your New Vision
✅ Attracting Ideal Clients
✅ Weekly Planning That Works
✅ Leveraging
✅ Stopping The Leaks

$497 Value

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On-Demand Videos that cover:

✅ Creating Your New Vision
✅ Attracting Ideal Clients
✅ Weekly Planning That Works
✅ Leveraging
✅ Stopping The Leaks

$500 Value


2-Day Interactive Workshop:

✅ Get your questions answered
✅ Small group discussion
✅ Get stuff done
✅ Like-minded Community
✅ See Real Life Examples

$500 Value

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The Horses Need You...

Often it's the most compassionate professionals that have trouble with the business part of the horse business. It's hard to keep healthy boundaries around time, it's hard to raise prices, and it's hard to put oneself 'out there'. 

I am doing what I can to make the world a happier place for horses by helping compassionate, heart-centered professionals like you THRIVE.

~Karen Rohlf
Founder of Transform Your Business & Dressage Naturally

Karen Natilla YAY

The Horses Need You...

Often it's the most compassionate professionals that have trouble with the business part of the horse business. It's hard to keep healthy boundaries around time, it's hard to raise prices, and it's hard to put oneself 'out there'. 

I am doing what I can to make the world a happier place for horses by helping compassionate, heart-centered professionals like you THRIVE.

~Karen Rohlf
Founder of Transform Your Business & Dressage Naturally

Karen Natilla YAY

Your Success Is Our Mission

We are committed to helping heart-centered horse professionals create fulfilling, sustainable, & profitable lives they can LOVE in the horse business.

Karen Rohlf is truly one of the most authentic horse people I’ve come across. I've always admired her leadership, philosophy, approach to horses, and how she presents her business...

TYB was so refreshing, enlightening and heart centered, just as I had imagined! I highly recommend it to anyone who yearns to get the best start possible in making your horse business dreams come true!

- Jackie Ladouceur

I've been struggling to have the confidence to make my own impact with my horse business. I take any and all jobs and students that come my way, and I'm exhausted and burned out.

This seminar showed me what is possible for me and gave me tools to make the changes I need to make. I feel empowered and excited to put my inner weirdo out there and walk my own path in the horse business.

- Lisa Luongo

Business Training You Need.

Support To Make It Happen.

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It's time to stop, re-think your vision, and make a new plan. I'll give you the questions you need to be asking yourself in order to know what you really want. You'll hear examples of what is possible. By the end of this session, you will have written out your new vision and will be surrounded by the support you need to get there.

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You will learn the importance of knowing the unique value you offer your clients. You'll get clarity around your unique value and will learn how to attract your ideal clients. This is the key difference between waking up feeling energized to go through your day or dreading your appointments! Those of you who 'hate marketing' will love this fresh perspective.

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Learn how to master your time! Imagine having a schedule that works for you, where you get to choose (instead of compromising to everyone else's demands). We have a special guest - a Productivity Expert that will walk you through a powerful exercise. Learn real-life tools to take charge of your weekly planning.

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Leverage is the key to giving more value to your students AND having more time and income. (Yes, it's possible!). You'll be walked through a simple and doable example for creating extra time and money every month. Your mind will be excited at the possibilities that implementing even a little leverage can bring you!

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Simple things you can do to make your students show up more consistently so you have more income and more predictability to your schedule. We'll discuss pricing, payments, packages, and cancellation policies.


Fuel For Your Business:

3-Part Training

Learn the MOST IMPORTANT FIRST STEP for getting the energy and fuel you need to grow your business (it's not what most people think!) Discover what makes you the MOST valuable to your clients. Learn what you need to STOP doing in order to start improving.

15 Things To Stop Doing:

Keys to Success

Success isn't just about doing more. Sometimes it's about NOT doing things that don't serve you. You'll get a quick list of what you need to stop doing in order to love your life in the horse business.

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Your Teacher: KAREN ROHLF

Karen & Horse 2

Karen Rohlf

Karen has been helping professionals transform their life and business in the horse world since 2017 through this Transform Your Business seminar and her 6 month Mastermind & Mentorship program.

Karen's international following and her experience in building and leveraging her own unique system from the ground up makes her a leader in creating empowered, transformative learning experiences for equestrians, and a mentor for others who want to break free of the 1:1 business model and enjoy more freedom in their lives.

Karen is the creator of the Dressage Naturally program and is an internationally recognized clinician who is changing the equestrian educational paradigm. She has been a freelance instructor and a trainer at a top dressage facility with experience attracting and keeping students over decades.

She created her own system (Dressage Naturally), and wrote and self-published the book: Dressage Naturally... Results in Harmony which has since been translated into 2 other languages. Karen started creating online learning resources in 2010, and now has multiple step-by-step virtual courses as well as a subscription-based Video Classroom.


Training videos from Karen plus Bonus content. 

Instant Access - Keep It Forever

Create your New Vision
✅ Attract Clients You Love
✅ Time Management - Weekly Planning
✅ Learn To Leverage
✅ Stop The Leaks


Bonus Content:

✅ Fuel For Your Business
✅ 15 Things To Stop Doing


Training videos from Karen plus Bonus content. 

Instant Access.
Keep It Forever.

Create your New Vision
✅ Attract Clients You Love
✅ Time Management - Weekly Planning
✅ Learn To Leverage
✅ Stop The Leaks


Bonus Content:

✅ Fuel For Your Business
✅ 15 Things To Stop Doing

FEBRUARY 13-14, 2024: 
Live-VIRTUAL Interactive Seminar & Workshop with Karen Rohlf

Two days of immersion and support from Karen and your peers from around the world.

Live training on the topics listed above PLUS:

✅ Q&A with Karen
✅ Small Group Discussions
✅ Real Life Examples
✅ Work Time
✅ Private Laser Coaching

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We are proud to announce that our Transform Your Business 2-Day Event has been officially accredited for Continuing Professional Development (CPD, CE, CEU).

A CPD accreditation means that our training program has gone through rigorous third-party verification.

The CPD Standards Office has members in 50 countries. Points can be issued and accepted across the world.

CPD 2023


"It was helpful to me in the following ways:

  • Great support to a sole trader
  • Gave me the confidence to change my consultancy packages, which instantly improved my business
  • Helped me start to change my mindset from not being comfortable to charge people for doing what I love, to realising that people want what I have to offer and if I don’t look after me and my business, they are not going to have access to all the great info and advice I have to offer
  • Encouraged me to start time blocking, which has been life changing (and I’m not joking)

The event was high quality, professional and inclusive. Despite having a large number of participants, it was still possible to ask direct questions to Karen. This is unusual for these type of events.

TYB gave me the belief I needed to change my business, and the practical tools to start on it. TYB did not give empty promises or whip me up into an unrealistic frenzy like some mindset events do! Karen was realistic about the work required to change my business, and she was correct. It’s not easy but it is SO worth it.

Was it a good investment? Absolutely yes – I have made back the investment countless times over simply from changing how I structure my consultations. Plus I am giving a better service to the owners I work with. And finally, I am much less frazzled and have been able to enjoy my time off more.

I knew I needed help with my business but had no idea where to start. Karen’s TYB course gave me a solid platform on which to start, and for that I am eternally grateful!

I would encourage anyone who feels like frazzled, burnt out, and lost, but loves their work and wants to make a proper business out of it to do the TYB course. If you take action with the coursework you will see a difference."

- Equine Nutritionist, Clare MacLeod, MSc RNutr

"Hi Karen! I went to your Live event last year and it truly has transformed my business. I’ve gone a totally different direction than I ever thought I would have... Thank you for all of your inspiration! I cannot begin to express my gratitude."

- Paula

"I signed up for this event even though I am not a horse trainer or instructor after viewing the online pre-event presentation that Karen provided. Her message rang true for me. I was also attracted due to the title including -" for the love of the horse" -which is a fundamental aspect of my business. I was so impressed with the content- which included reflection and evaluation of what you do, why you do it and how do you see yourself growing in your business. The small break out groups gave more of a personal communication opportunity to share experiences. During the event I was able to recognize some changes that I want to make in my business, meet individuals with a similar passion and challenges and take concrete steps to making some of these changes with the exercises that we did."

- Lise Lunde

"I highly recommend Transform Your Business to anyone in or considering a horse business. It will change the trajectory of your life and business."

- Katy Pistole

Working hard with no time for your own horses or life?

Karen Rohlf Dressage Naturally Natilla

I’ve been there - I used to work 14 hour days at a top Dressage Facility. I had all the students & training horses I wanted and was considered 'successful', yet I was still struggling to make ends meet. My life was at a breaking point, and I was ready to quit horses (yikes!). That was my wake up call to make some big changes, reinvent my teaching and business structure, and create the life I dreamed of for myself and my horses.

It has taken me years to learn what I will share with you.

Use my journey to help you transform your business and life.

I spend tens of thousands of dollars on business training from people who had no idea about the horse industry. It was frustrating and took a lot of extra time.

I created this program to make it easier for you to learn how to break free from what's holding you back. It's the program I wished I could have taken all those years ago!

- Karen Rohlf

Get Your Business Success Kit

6 Essential Training Videos ($497 Value)
Fuel For Your Business 3-Part Training
List of 15 Things To Stop Doing
 Make more money, have more time, & love your life.

For just 3 payments of $99, or save a little more by paying in Full: $297
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This material has been proven to help professionals at every stage make life-changing improvements to their horse business. We’re confident it will help you too.

Due to the digital nature of this product, no refunds are available.

Your lifetime access to the training videos give you full value (and will pay you back many times over). 

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have prior to purchase. We’re happy to talk with you!


Karen Rohlf and Mastermind Students Celebrating