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Special sign up page for students and friends of Michelle Young!

"Michelle is a Licensed Instructor for Dressage Naturally and I'm so happy to give her friends and students special access to this amazing learning experience! YOU can jump in NOW, and at a very special price!" ~Karen Rohlf


Healthy Movement in Partnership: This is the missing piece you’ve been looking for


Are you ready to accelerate your progress starting NOW? You are here because I really believe this course will take your lessons, riding, and partnership with your horse to a new level.

This is a special opportunity for you that’s not available to the general public, and you can save hundreds of dollars by signing up here. Details below!

~Michelle Young (Dressage Naturally Licensed Instructor)

Michelle Young



Improve your horse’s movement, find more harmony, and have fun doing it. This experience is for any rider and horse, regardless of discipline.


Learn skills to solve the problems that are holding you back.

Together, you and your horse will find the place of ease.

Are you ready to create that feeling of fun, freedom, power, and connection you imagined when you first fell in love with horses?

Do you want a horse that is relaxed, energized, balanced, and free?

Do you want your horse to enjoy moving in a healthy way? Do you want to have connection without brace?


Sign Up Now
Karen Rohlf

Your Teacher:

Karen Rohlf, creator of Dressage Naturally, is an internationally recognized clinician who is changing the way students learn dressage.

With decades of experience in training horses and riders from zero to Grand Prix, she believes in getting to the heart of our mental, emotional, and physical partnership with our horses by bringing together the best of the worlds of dressage and partnership-based training.

Karen’s in-depth formal dressage training, immersion in a more natural horsemanship, and a belief that anything is possible has given her a unique perspective that breathes new life into common dressage training practices and delivers results for both horses and riders.


What Will I Learn?

  • How combining the principles of dressage and natural horsemanship give you the best of both worlds

  • How to create healthy biomechanics while strengthening the partnership you have with your horse

  • How to cause your horse to be relaxed, energized, balanced, and free moving online and under saddle

  • A new way to improve your position without building or creating tension in you or your horse

  • A reliable system to find a positive connection through the reins

  • How to understand the theory of gymnastic training so you can make your own lesson plans

  • How to trust your instincts, study independently, and become a more confident learner.

Why Take The Sweet Spot Course?

We owe it to our horses to build the skills they need to carry us without tension. We need to learn to do it in a way that builds our partnership, feels good (especially to the horse), and empowers us with the confidence & skills to be successful.

What Students Are Saying

As a horsemanship enthusiast for well over 20 years, I must admit that [with Karen] I have experienced the best of trainers in my progress to date. 

This course fills the gap I was experiencing with the western horsemanship training, marrying it well and truly into the bridled dressage training which I was yearning for. .

- Lisa Howel


No matter what stage you are at in your own personal journey, the information in each module is all there to help and guide you through. Even if you feel overwhelmed with the amount of information, there is no pressure. It is your own journey, and there is time to absorb, and go back and forth in the modules at your own pace.

There is no judgement or criticism. It is pure learning at your own pace, but with continual support and encouragement. I have gained far more confidence and trust in my own ability.

My horse and I are more of a unit and seem to blend together more in a better partnership. I am far more aware of the importance of healthy biomechanics and now have more knowledge on diagnosing and deciding what needs to be worked on to improve.

- Kathleen

The virtual arena Sweet Spot class was a perfect way for me to learn at my own pace, at the speed we could manage. I was previously going it alone and it was easy to lose motivation. The course kept me on track with goal setting along the way. Daily interaction on Facebook and biweekly calls [in the maximum engagement group] made me part of a group of like minded, horse loving, independent learners... The biggest change was in my way of thinking. Now we (me and my horses) are doing things together versus me doing things to them. It is simply more enjoyable and lots more fun.

- Crystine


I loved this course! It provided me an opportunity to progress in my horsemanship along a path that was easy to follow, constantly stimulating, and full of information in a supportive and positive atmosphere.

It was fun and very satisfying for both me and my horse! Now I am more empowered to affect the posture and emotional stability of my horse in a positive way.

I have knowledge of what my horse needs and of what I can do to provide the opportunity for her to succeed.

- Deb W.


What's Included:

LIFETIME ACCESS to course materials! (Audios, Videos, Worksheets, Bonus Materials)

Intention Tracker - A tool to help you stay focused and consistent

Unlimited coaching and coaching packages are available. With 4 expert coaches and Karen.

Access to Closed Group on Facebook - Meet other students from around the world and get additional support

💥 FULL SUPPORT OPTION: Includes all of the above, plus 6 months free access to the Dressage Naturally Video Classroom, video coaching, and WEEKLY live Q&A calls with Karen Rohlf and the DN Instructors.


Are You Ready?

This course serves riders from novice to Grand Prix. The concepts and exercises taught are unique and can be applied at the level you are at. However, some basics need to be in place in order for you to get the most benefit from this information:

  • Independent seat: comfortable riding at walk, trot, and canter on a loose rein

  • Big emotional issues like bolting, rearing, and explosiveness are foundational issues which will not be covered in this course and should be resolved with a foundation specialist.

  • Horse understands basic yields from a stand still (forehand yield, hind quarter yield, sideways), from a light aid

  • Horse understands how to move on line in a circle at walk trot and canter

  • Some basic understanding of natural horsemanship ideas is recommended, but not necessary

Sign Up Now


Do I need to take the Habits For Excellent Horsemanship course before the Sweet Spot course? 

The Habits For Excellent Horsemanship course is recommended but not required. If you feel you already have a good partnership or are familiar with natural horsemanship principles you will feel right at home in the Sweet Spot course. If you are less familiar with techniques to grow your partnership, or want Karen’s unique perspective you may want to get the Horsemanship course. Many students have done the Horsemanship course at the same time as the Sweet Spot course. Everything helps everything!


Do I need to have any prior dressage experience?

No! We love being a student’s first experience with dressage! We also love dressage students who are looking for a fresh perspective on how to do dressage for the horse in a way that both horse and rider can enjoy it!

I am really interested in dressage movements. Can I jump straight to the Upward Spiral Of Successful Gymnastics course? 

No. The Sweet Spot course is a necessary prerequisite for the Upward Spiral course. The information in the Sweet Spot course is essential to the Dressage Naturally journey. It gives you the concepts and exercises that will keep the harmony as you move up the gymnastic ladder. 


What if I already have a local instructor?

Many students in the Sweet Spot course are able to continue with their local instructor or trainer. Of course every situation is different. Some instructors embrace the process and are able to help. Some instructors never know the student is taking this course, they just get to be amazed at the sudden progress of their student! Some instructors will be resistant to their students doing any independent learning. We can help students navigate this on an individual basis through the course support systems.

This course gave me a healthy way of creating and realizing progress with my horse's biomechanics. I have already recommended this course to students and professionals alike! I am so impressed how it has been organized and developed. 

Nobody, but nobody, has an independent learning program this good! I would confidently and enthusiastically recommend it!"

~ Alla Cline

Module 1

Big Picture and Foundation Check Up:

This is where you will learn how dressage and natural horsemanship combine so you can have the best of both worlds. You also will discover the parts of your foundation that you will especially want to have working well in order to get the most out of the exercises to improve your horse’s posture.



Module 2

Conversations about Relaxation, Energy, and Balance

The first step in creating the dream is creating the ingredients! You will learn how to get 100% responsiveness to the communications necessary to effect your horse’s posture and find the sweet spot of healthy biomechanics. Problems here are the source of at least 80% of the disharmony I see between riders and horses.

Module 3

Finding Your Active Neutral

Put the ingredients together in a way where you and your horse are sharing the movement. Learn how to cause your horse to participate in sustaining the sweet spot. This is where you will find greater harmony and lightness in self carriage!



Module 4

Take Control Of Your Body Language

It’s only fair that we address your human posture too! Learn ways to change and improve your posture in a very unique and lasting way! Develop a more effective position without creating tension!

Module 5

Riding In Connection With The Reins

Learn the true purpose of the reins, and how to connect with them. Learn how to preserve self-carriage, and understand when and why to use a bitless bridle or hackamore versus a bit. Learn concepts and exercises to set you and your horse up for true lightness in connection.



Module 6

Ultimate Self Carriage

This is where you solidify your sweet spot of healthy biomechanics and harmonious connection and take it forward with you. Learn concepts and exercises for Flexibility, Mobility, and Collectibility that will allow you to gymnastically develop yourself and your horse.

What's Included:

LIFETIME ACCESS to course materials! (Audios, Videos, Worksheets, Bonus Materials)

Intention Tracker - A tool to help you stay focused and consistent

Unlimited coaching and coaching packages available. With 4 expert coaches and Karen.

Access to Closed Group on Facebook - Meet other students from around the world and get additional support

FULL SUPPORT OPTION: All of the above, plus weekly live Q&A calls, 6 months access to the Video Classroom and private video coaching!


2 Ways to Start

Materials Only - Lowest Price

Great if you're already working with Michelle 

Lifetime access to all materials
Intention Tracker
Private Facebook Group


Full Support - Amazing Value

Great if you want the most support

Everything in Materials Only PLUS:
6 months in the Dressage Naturally Video Classroom,
weekly live Q + A calls, 2 private coaching sessions

Materials Only option
Full Support Option

What Students are Saying