Your Results:
Your Results:
Is your horse a Happy Athlete?
I’m so glad you are here, and that you are able to realize missing pieces in your general happiness & harmony with your horse, as well as with your communication, even though your biomechanics may be quite good.
It has been my experience that when you improve the happiness and harmony, as well as the quality of the basic communication skills EVERYTHING improves. That is something to get super curious and excited about! Everything affects posture, so imagine how much less you may have to work to create an engaged posture when riding if your horse shows up in a happy, willing, and engaged state of mind!
My Best Advice:
Look at every moment you spend with your horse because each of those moments is an opportunity to build happiness, harmony, and communication. It’s these precious moments that so many people overlook that can make ALL the difference.
It will be helpful for you to immerse yourself in a supportive community that honors the happiness of horses. Joining our Dressage Naturally Land Facebook Group is a great first-step with no cost.
The DN resource that would be best for diving deep into the partnership is the step-by-step Habits For Excellent Horsemanship course. It is exactly what you need, you have lifetime access to it, and includes live Q&A calls 4 times a year... on-going!